5 Strings Banjo dbgDg Tuning (4th String Red Series)
Until the mid-twentieth century the ‘old style’ Banjo strings were made of gut, a material of millenary use characterized by a good readiness to attack combined with a particularly warm tone: substantially different then from that of Nylon. The timbre of the gut has always been a constant point of reference for luthiers, composers and performers until the recent past. The development of a new synthetic product – both as a monofilament and as a multifilament for the basses – which had the same acoustic characteristics as the gut – but not the typical defects – such as high cost, poor duration and high exchange instability climate has therefore always been a fundamental point of our research work.
Like gut, Nylgut® is a shear sensitive material. Before mounting the strings make sure that the grooves at the nut and at the bridge are shallow, perfectly smooth and free from sharp corners. If not, use 600-grit emery cloth or fine-grained steel wool.